When moving from a dusty area to a clean zone, every worker can completely decontaminate in our self-contained blow off booth. Our booth dislodges and removes hazardous material that could potentially contaminate others in the clean environment. The high-velocity blow-off system gets even the hidden dust. The dust is then captured and filtered within the auto-clean self-contained booth. The booth can also be used to blow dust off equipment or pallets of material. Our booth can effectively remove potentially hazardous materials, including dust generated from hexavalent chromium, lead, beryllium, strontium chromate, and carcinogenic paint.
Our blow off booth is not only effective in dislodging all the dust, it is easier on the worker than alternative vacuum approaches. The air shower is more comfortable than a suction process, and the hands-off blow-down does not require another worker to assist in vacuuming off the dust. Furthermore, the blow off booth provides a quick transition to the clean zone. Within seconds, the entire body is completely clean from any harmful dust.
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Call Today: 800-264-8958